Affiliate Disclosure

In 2015, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) introduced new rules for Disclosure Compliance to ensure that consumers are informed of potential affiliations or sponsorships between content creators and companies. Web media viewers and readers must be informed if the content publisher earns money by promoting a particular product or service.

What Is Disclosure Compliance?

Disclosure Compliance is the open and transparent disclosure of affiliations, sponsorships, or partnerships between a content creator and another company. This ensures that the audience understands when the content they are consuming may have financial ties or incentives behind it.

One common aspect of Disclosure Compliance is the use of affiliate links. Affiliate links are unique URLs that allow content creators to earn a commission or compensation when their audience purchases through the linked website. When readers click on an affiliate link to buy a product, they buy directly from the seller, not the content creator’s platform. 

It’s important to note that using an affiliate link does not affect the price or any other aspect of the product or service you are purchasing. The price remains the same for the buyer whether they use an affiliate link or a non-affiliate link. 

Content creators commonly use two primary types of affiliate programs: Amazon Affiliate Programs and Product Affiliate Links. participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which allows website owners to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Additionally, it may extend to other websites affiliated with the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. 

Sponsored content refers to material paid for by a company to promote its products or services. Content creators may publish sponsored content, which should always be disclosed openly and prominently. The author of does not write sponsored posts, as the aim is to provide unbiased, authentic information to the readers. If a company desires to publish sponsored content on the platform, this will be made explicitly clear at the beginning of the post.

The recommendations made on are based on products the author uses personally or would confidently recommend to family and friends. Every purchase made through these recommendations directly contributes to supporting ongoing research efforts.

In conclusion, understanding FTC Disclosure Compliance Rules is essential for content creators and consumers. It ensures transparency, builds trust, and helps you make informed choices while supporting content creators' hard work. 

Below are some frequently asked questions:

What is Disclosure Compliance? 

Disclosure Compliance openly reveals affiliations, sponsorships, or partnerships between content creators and companies to inform consumers of potential financial ties.

What are affiliate links? 

Affiliate links are URLs that enable content creators to earn a commission or compensation when their audience purchases through the linked website.

Do affiliate links affect consumer prices? 

No, using an affiliate link does not change the buyer’s price or any other aspect of the product or service. Prices remain the same.

What are the two primary types of affiliate programs mentioned in the article? 

The two primary affiliate programs are the Amazon Affiliate Program and Product Affiliate Links.

Does the author write sponsored content? 

No, the author of does not write sponsored posts. The goal is to provide unbiased information to readers. However, when published, sponsored content will be disclosed at the beginning of the post.